Rejoignez un guide expert pour un voyage en profondeur dans l'histoire de Pompéi.
Rejoignez un guide expert pour un voyage en profondeur dans l'histoire de Pompéi.
140 km
2 heures
20 min
Faites une petite pause dans une commune située sur les contreforts du Mont Cassino, au bord de la rivière Rapido.
115 km
75 minutes
90 min
Billets inclus
Profitez d'une visite guidée et de temps libre pour explorer une ville vieille de 2 000 ans préservée par l'éruption du Vésuve. Découvrez les anciens bains publics romains, les amphithéâtres, les villas et bien d'autres choses encore.
34,4 km
75 minutes
120 min
2 attractions
Explorez ce village à flanc de falaise le long de la côte amalfitaine pendant deux heures. Admirez le dôme coloré de l'église Santa Maria Assunta, ou braver un sentier de randonnée, comme le Sentier des Dieux !
1. Church of Santa Maria Assunta
Billets non inclus
2. Path of the Gods
One of the most beautiful trails of Italy, the Sentiero degli Dei or 'Path of the Gods' takes you up along the cliffs with spectacular ocean views.
148 km
90 minutes
20 min
Sur le chemin du retour vers Rome, faites une autre petite pause dans une commune située sur les contreforts du mont Cassino, au bord de la rivière Rapido.
139 km
90 minutes
Piazza del Popolo
Avec un guide expert, voyagez de Rome à Pompéi et à la côte amalfitaine dans un autocar climatisé confortable !
Avec un guide expert, voyagez de Rome à Pompéi et à la côte amalfitaine dans un autocar climatisé confortable !
Take it easy on comfortable transfers from Rome and discover the UNESCO-listed ancient wonder of Pompeii.
Take it easy on comfortable transfers from Rome and discover the UNESCO-listed ancient wonder of Pompeii.
Veuillez cliquer sur here pour obtenir le plan de route et les horaires détaillés.
Vous pouvez rejoindre le circuit à n'importe quel arrêt et monter et descendre pendant toute la durée de votre billet.
Itinéraire rouge
Itinéraire bleu
Suivez le chemin officiel de Napoli Sotterranea, le long d'anciens aqueducs et d'abris antiatomiques de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Suivez le chemin officiel de Napoli Sotterranea, le long d'anciens aqueducs et d'abris antiatomiques de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
30 minutes
5 attractions
Billets inclus
1. Le Forum civil
Billets inclus
This was the bustling heart of Pompeii’s public life, where political, religious, and commercial activities converged. The Forum offers an incredible sense of the city's structure.
2. Basilique
Billets inclus
Marvel at Pompeii’s courthouse, a prime example of ancient Roman architecture that influenced modern-day basilicas and court buildings.
3. Temple de Jupiter
Billets inclus
Explore this temple dedicated to the king of the Roman gods, situated at the northern end of the Forum, with its iconic triple altar.
4. Thermes du forum
Billets inclus
Admire these remarkably well-preserved baths showcasing Roman engineering genius. The caldarium, tepidarium, and frigidarium highlight ancient bathing culture.
5. Maison de Ménandre
Billets inclus
Step into one of Pompeii’s grandest residential villas, showcasing exquisite frescoes, mosaics, and a private bath complex. It’s named after a fresco of the Greek playwright Menander.
Ascension du Vésuve
Billets inclus
Faites une randonnée sur l'un des volcans actifs les plus célèbres au monde pour profiter d'une vue imprenable sur Naples et la baie de Naples. Découvrez son passé enflammé lors de cette visite guidée.
30 minutes
5 attractions
Billets inclus
1. Le Forum civil
Billets inclus
This was the bustling heart of Pompeii’s public life, where political, religious, and commercial activities converged. The Forum offers an incredible sense of the city's structure.
2. Basilique
Billets inclus
Marvel at Pompeii’s courthouse, a prime example of ancient Roman architecture that influenced modern-day basilicas and court buildings.
3. Temple de Jupiter
Billets inclus
Explore this temple dedicated to the king of the Roman gods, situated at the northern end of the Forum, with its iconic triple altar.
4. Thermes du forum
Billets inclus
Admire these remarkably well-preserved baths showcasing Roman engineering genius. The caldarium, tepidarium, and frigidarium highlight ancient bathing culture.
5. Maison de Ménandre
Billets inclus
Step into one of Pompeii’s grandest residential villas, showcasing exquisite frescoes, mosaics, and a private bath complex. It’s named after a fresco of the Greek playwright Menander.
30 minutes
5 attractions
Billets inclus
1. Le Forum civil
Billets inclus
This was the bustling heart of Pompeii’s public life, where political, religious, and commercial activities converged. The Forum offers an incredible sense of the city's structure.
2. Basilique
Billets inclus
Marvel at Pompeii’s courthouse, a prime example of ancient Roman architecture that influenced modern-day basilicas and court buildings.
3. Temple de Jupiter
Billets inclus
Explore this temple dedicated to the king of the Roman gods, situated at the northern end of the Forum, with its iconic triple altar.
4. Thermes du forum
Billets inclus
Admire these remarkably well-preserved baths showcasing Roman engineering genius. The caldarium, tepidarium, and frigidarium highlight ancient bathing culture.
5. Maison de Ménandre
Billets inclus
Step into one of Pompeii’s grandest residential villas, showcasing exquisite frescoes, mosaics, and a private bath complex. It’s named after a fresco of the Greek playwright Menander.
60 minutes
5 attractions
Billets inclus
1. Le Forum civil
Billets inclus
This was the bustling heart of Pompeii’s public life, where political, religious, and commercial activities converged. The Forum offers an incredible sense of the city's structure.
2. Basilique
Billets inclus
Marvel at Pompeii’s courthouse, a prime example of ancient Roman architecture that influenced modern-day basilicas and court buildings.
3. Temple de Jupiter
Billets inclus
Explore this temple dedicated to the king of the Roman gods, situated at the northern end of the Forum, with its iconic triple altar.
4. Thermes du forum
Billets inclus
Admire these remarkably well-preserved baths showcasing Roman engineering genius. The caldarium, tepidarium, and frigidarium highlight ancient bathing culture.
5. Maison de Ménandre
Billets inclus
Step into one of Pompeii’s grandest residential villas, showcasing exquisite frescoes, mosaics, and a private bath complex. It’s named after a fresco of the Greek playwright Menander.
30 minutes
5 attractions
Billets inclus
1. Le Forum civil
Billets inclus
This was the bustling heart of Pompeii’s public life, where political, religious, and commercial activities converged. The Forum offers an incredible sense of the city's structure.
2. Basilique
Billets inclus
Marvel at Pompeii’s courthouse, a prime example of ancient Roman architecture that influenced modern-day basilicas and court buildings.
3. Temple de Jupiter
Billets inclus
Explore this temple dedicated to the king of the Roman gods, situated at the northern end of the Forum, with its iconic triple altar.
4. Thermes du forum
Billets inclus
Admire these remarkably well-preserved baths showcasing Roman engineering genius. The caldarium, tepidarium, and frigidarium highlight ancient bathing culture.
5. Maison de Ménandre
Billets inclus
Step into one of Pompeii’s grandest residential villas, showcasing exquisite frescoes, mosaics, and a private bath complex. It’s named after a fresco of the Greek playwright Menander.
30 minutes
5 attractions
Billets inclus
1. Le Forum civil
Billets inclus
This was the bustling heart of Pompeii’s public life, where political, religious, and commercial activities converged. The Forum offers an incredible sense of the city's structure.
2. Basilique
Billets inclus
Marvel at Pompeii’s courthouse, a prime example of ancient Roman architecture that influenced modern-day basilicas and court buildings.
3. Temple de Jupiter
Billets inclus
Explore this temple dedicated to the king of the Roman gods, situated at the northern end of the Forum, with its iconic triple altar.
4. Thermes du forum
Billets inclus
Admire these remarkably well-preserved baths showcasing Roman engineering genius. The caldarium, tepidarium, and frigidarium highlight ancient bathing culture.
5. Maison de Ménandre
Billets inclus
Step into one of Pompeii’s grandest residential villas, showcasing exquisite frescoes, mosaics, and a private bath complex. It’s named after a fresco of the Greek playwright Menander.
Billets inclus
Souvent éclipsé par Pompéi, ce site plus petit et mieux préservé présente de luxueuses villas romaines et des mosaïques complexes.
Transferts confortables vers Pompéi depuis Naples, avec l'option de personnaliser et de visiter Herculanum ou le Vésuve.
Transferts confortables vers Pompéi depuis Naples, avec l'option de personnaliser et de visiter Herculanum ou le Vésuve.
Flexible entry to the largest Christian burial sites in Naples, alongside an expert guide.
Flexible entry to the largest Christian burial sites in Naples, alongside an expert guide.
Visitez l'un des volcans actifs les plus dangereux au monde dans un minivan de luxe au départ de Pompéi.
Visitez l'un des volcans actifs les plus dangereux au monde dans un minivan de luxe au départ de Pompéi.